You can make an immediate and secure donation online

Please provide your mailing address so we may send a thank you and tax receipt.

Gifts may be mailed to our offices at Kingdom Outdoors 1010 Victory Lane Starkville, MS 39759.

Crypto Donations

click the donate button below to make a charitable crypto currency donation. You will receive a receipt for the USD value at the time of the transfer. If you have questions on how to do this please contact us at

We are dedicated to seeing others reach their full potential and experience the freedom they are longing for. Many may not be in a place where they can afford the financial burden of our events. Our goal is to never turn anyone away due to funds. You can be a part of helping someone else find freedom. To support the work we are doing and "pay it forward" consider becoming one of our financial partners. You can make a quick and easy donation here today!

Donations for a Midwest office can be made below